Roman and Byzantine Period

Roman Period

Waiting for a new period of calm and splendor, Corfu had to defend its own island from many pirates that were bringing violence and terror in all the Mediterranean sea.
Overwhelmed by the brutal attack of the Illiri (229 b.C.), the inhabitants of Corfù asked to Romans their protection.
The Consul Fulvio with his army was received with joy because he rescued Corfu island but he also gave back the most part of autonomy.

Byzantine Period

In this difficult age in which there were continuous raids of Unni, Ostrogoti and Bulgarians an important event was the spread of the Christianity on the island of Corfu.
This period goes approximately from the 6th Century till the beginning of the 11th Century. During these centuries Corfu was the base of operations of Giustiniano for the campaigns in Africa and against the Goti of Italy.
The Byzantine domination finished in 1081 when the Normans with Robert Guiscard took control of Corfu island.